Annie Winter (1846-1879)
- Wife of Jesse B. Clement (1842-1914)
- The U.S., Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 (at Ancestry) lists her cause of death as Bright's disease, an old name covering a variety of kidney conditions.
- Seems to have been originally from Trenton, NJ (US Census, 1850).
My archives include a booklet of remarks made at the funeral of Annie E. Winter, "wife of Jesse B. Clement", by "REV. J. O. PECK, D. D., Pastor of St. JOHN'S M. B. CHURCH, Brooklyn, N. Y." Most of it is pretty generic material in memory of a loved one. It does mention her "paroxysms of suffering" and that in "these last months of illness... she could not sleep...". It also mentions that she was active in the church's sabbath school. Near the end it hints at an address, saying that her "...neighbors have suffered a loss on Taylor street."
- Parents:
- Spouse: Jesse B. Clement (1842-1914)
- Siblings:
- Children: